Surviving the Holidays

Surviving the Holidays

Usually the holidays are an exciting time of year.  It is a time to reflect on what we are thankful for in our lives, and a time to gather together with family and loved ones and exchange gifts.  It can also be a very stressful time of year with all the demands on our time and finances. 


Manage your time by deciding what is important to you this year.  Take the time to sit down and write out your goals for the holiday season.  Do you want to buy lots of gifts, decorate your house to the hilt, cook a Martha Stewart feast, or just spend time with family and friends?  Whatever your priorities are focus on achieving those goals, activities or demands that arise and are not in line with your priorities should be omitted or delegated.


Set realistic expectations about the holidays and realize this year.   Perhaps some of the old family traditions you have are not working anymore.   Implement some new traditions by fixing new meals, or eating out; buy, or make some new holiday decorations; or travel somewhere instead of staying home for Christmas.  If you can’t travel reach out to others who are in need by volunteering at a soup kitchen, or distributing gifts to the less fortunate.


Make time for yourself by scheduling a couple of hours, or a day to pamper you.  This can take the form of an hour of exercise, meditation, a day at the spa, or some quiet time reading a book.  The important part is that you feel revitalized and ready to move forward.


Embrace your friends.  Sometimes we don’t live by family and circumstances might not permit us to travel, so love the ones you’re with!  My friends have become my family over the years, and I enjoy celebrating the holidays with them.


The goal of Julia’s Lifestyle Management is to take care of the details to make your life simpler.  We’re here to help when you need us!